Price Start From
Rp. 2,460,000/month
The Oasis Cikarang Apartment
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Jl. Raya Cikarang - Cibarusah No.Kav. 1, Sukaresmi, Cikarang Sel., Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17530
Unit Details
2 Bedrooms
1 Bathroom
Non Furnished
60 m2
Mahogany Tower
Apartment The Oasis Cikarang Apartment unit OCKC007
The 2 Bedroom Non Furnished apartment unit with an area of 60m2 in Tower Mahogany, The Oasis Cikarang Apartment, is the perfect choice for families with one child or young couples looking for a comfortable and customizable living space. With facilities like The Oasis Cikarang Apartment, this unit is ready to be occupied with maximum comfort. The two spacious bedrooms provide enough space for privacy and comfort for each family member, while the clean and modern bathroom adds to the comfort. Without furniture, you have complete freedom to design and decorate the apartment according to your style and preferences, creating an atmosphere that is truly unique and personal.Rental Period
Pay Directly for 12 Months
Rp2,460,000 /monthPayment
2BR The Oasis Cikarang Apartment at Low Floor
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The Oasis Cikarang Apartment